Maybe the fastest taper in a fly blank to
date. This is the rod that has put Dan Craft on the map some years ago.
Although totally different rods, casting competitors have placed the
5wt. FT side by side with the TCR. It quickly gained popularity among
casting fanatics and showed that getting into the backing is not an
uncommon thing even at 350-400$.

This nine weight here is a classic build grade and a cannon of a fly rod that needs to be overlined with at least one weight. It can throw all kind of lines from shooting heads, short scandinavian/skagit lines, floating lines with bass bugs, pike streamers, clousers etc. to full sinking lines. Great for saltwater and stiff winds.
Fitted with hard chrome boat guides and oversized snake guides for saltwater use also. The terrific Lemke uplocking double locking ring reel seat with spalted oak wood insert is a fine piece of equipment that brings this satin grey blank to life. Thanks for looking at my work!

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