The "Darth Vader"of fly rods. The One series from the Jerry Siem era with Konnetic technology (2012) graphite were revolutionary...
"The ONE rod is the flagship offering from Sage that may redefine the “all-around” rod category, where precision casting accuracy is needed over a wide range of conditions. Hand crafted from our Konnetic Technology three long years in the making, the ONE rod is a game changer. Your game. Its fast action incorporates a built in sweet spot, making the ONE rod the ideal choice for experienced and aspiring casters alike."
Sage blanks are becoming scarce and I am extremely happy to have finished this clean, "lean and mean", sleek looking rod. Built for a friend in Washington, whom I fished with this fall, as a present for his father. I could not think of a better present for a fly-fisherman that lives one hour from the Sage factory.
This is #perfectionflyrod and the rod-of-a-lifetime. Thanks for looking & Happy New Year everyone!