I'm happy to post my latest creation and the first build for 2009, a beautiful Dan Craft Five Rivers Signature V, that it's taken me some time until it was actually done...

A lot of test casts have been done with it during the building process, and I can say this is my best rod
built so far and I can only hope for more to come...

It is a finely tuned flyrod, with improved design I can say, in order to make the rod more responsive and a bit lighter . It has a great feeling and recovers faster than the previous Sig V 8'6" 3wt.'s I have built in the past. Smaller and lighter guides were used for this rod, elegantly finished wraps and a beautiful Bellinger maple burl reel seat and high quality hand turned cork grip to make this a heirloom quality trout rod...the first time you'll lay your hands on this baby it will blow your mind...I know I'm not happy at all to give it away but due to a strugling 2008 that just passed and and a harder 2009 that just started I will have to..

Felicitari,foarte frumos bat.
Mi-as permite o mica observatie care sper sa nu te deranjeze si anume cred ca matisarea mufelor mama e prea lunga ,un matisaj de 1-2cm. cred ca ar fi fost de ajuns scopului pt. care e necesara aceasta matisare.Doar ingreuneaza un pic batul cu ceva ce nu e necesar.
Daca nu esti de acord cu observatia mea ,atunci compara cum matiseaza renumitul BURKHEIMER mufele mama cu cele matisate de tine la acest bat.
Nu construiesc bete de fly,doar transform bete de fly in bete de spinning ,sau imi construiesc bete de spinning pe blank-uri de fly pt. mine.
Felicitari si pentru prezentarea grafica deosebita a interesantului tau blog.
Jean Scurtu
Multumesc pentru aprecieri...
In legatura cu intrebarea dvs. pot sa spun ca a fost o preferinta de moment din punct de vedere estetic mai mult...la unele blankuri ea este cateodata absolut necesara pt rezistenta.
Lanseta este foarte usoara, inca n-am cantarit-o ce-i drept, mai usoara decat celelalte doua construite pe acelasi blank, prin designul per ansamblu imbunatatit..este un detaliu mult prea nesemnificative incat sa afecteze performantele lansetei si greutatea sa per ansamblu..acest lucru se intampla de regula atunci cand se foloseste prea multa rasina in finisare si rezultatul finish-ului este unul voluminos..daca bine se observa, finisajele sunt perfect paralele si volumele excesive de rasina practic lipsesc...
Multumesc de comentariu si va mai astept si cu alta ocazie!!
A very nice assembly job on another great Dan Craft Five Rivers blank. This Sig V blank and your fine craftsmanship will provide someone with a very pleasurable fly rod.
All of Dan Craft's blank series are outstanding and affordable in my judgment. The Sig V's are light, delicate and precise at casting a fly and work well with their rated lines.
The FTL series provide great travel rods that perform as well as any on the market. They also are rated well for matching line weights.
If you need a rod that is a durable work horse and doesn't run out of power the fast action taper in the 9' FT series provides a rod that is extremely versatile regardless of how you line it or use it. As an example I have two FT 3 weight rods that will handle dry flies well with three weight lines and yet they punch weighted nymphs and strike indicators into the wind using heavier 6 weight lines.
I believe you have chosen well in using these blanks as they perform as well as any on the market regardless of name or price.
Stan Grace
... wow, that rod is a beauty! The owner of that rod will love it.
I've build exactly that rod for the german Fliegenfischer-Forum for a rod test (see at http://www.fliegenfischer-forum.de/dancraf0.html). ... and they really like it as a great dry fly rod with an excellent smooth casting and fish fighting feeling.
Greetings from a Dan Craft fan
Stefan Scherf
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