Here is a heck of a 9wt. that I've recently finished for a guy who's after big pikes in the Danube Delta..until I'll receive some fishy pictures from him with the rod in action, you can take a good look on this rod's esthetics..possibly the most handsome handle and fighting butt I've built so far. The rod is equiped with ceramic guides, from butt to tip (two oversized double foot guides for better distance shooting), the latest in light weight and durability. The line truly flows through these guides and big distances are at home with this ultra fast action rod.
Thankx for looking everyone!!

Dan Craft Five Rivers FT 909-4Guides: Alps Polished Titanium ceramic single foot guides/oversized stripping guides
Reel seat: Struble U18HG (with tapered grooves for retaining the hook)
Handle: Custom turned premium cork/fight.butt with rubberized ends, "burnt" accents and copano burl
Thread: Gudebrod charcoal nylon wraps with gunsmoke metallic tippings